Welcome to Aeries Online Enrollment
Wheatland Union High School District
Wheatland Union High School District has implemented an Online Registration process for new students. Aeries Online Registration allows you to quickly start the process of registering a student for school. Information about the student such as emergency contacts, medical and language information will be collected. Upon completion, the student's information is electronically sent to the school. If a student is new to the district, was previously enrolled at WUHSD in a prior year, complete Online Registration. If student was enrolled at an WUHSD in current year, left and is now returning, please contact the school where they will be re-enrolling. You can access Aeries Online Enrollment at this web address:https://aeries.wheatlandhigh.org/enrollment Please read directions on all screens as there is important information provided to insure a smooth enrollment for your student. Within these instructions, links are provided to specific WUHSD enrollment and registration documents. The first time you access the Aeries Online Enrollment webpage, after reviewing instructions, select Enroll A New Student. If you are unable to complete registration, you can return at another time and select Login to enter your login and password and continue the registration.
Interdistrict (transfer) Students
If parents or guardians request that a student attend a school that is not in their district of residence, the Interdistrict process should be initiated with the district of residence. An online Registration may be entered for Wheatland Union High School District: however, the student will not be enrolled until approvals from both school districts have been granted.
District Boundaries
If you are uncertain about which school you are assigned to, please use the link below to verify.
Find my assigned school
You will see this search result if your residential address falls within the boundaries of the Wheatland Union High School District.